Thursday, March 27, 2014

Soccer at UCT

           A couple weeks ago I started soccer for the UCT women’s football team. Before trials I had heard from a study abroad friend that the team was not very talented, so I went into trials with a very open mind. On the first day around 50 girls showed up. For women’s football not being a popular sport I was very surprised that this many girls came to trials. However about 30% were wearing running shoes. I talked to some of these girls, just to be friendly, and most of them said that this was their first time playing soccer.
At the time I didn’t think much of it, but later I reflected on why so many girls did not play sports growing up especially because it is so common in the United States. I was talking to one of the men’s players and he told me that he didn’t play for a soccer team until he came to UCT. I was very shocked to find that a male did not have the opportunity to be on a soccer team until college. He told me the reason his high school did not allow them to have a soccer team is because they want all the attention on rugby. His school district was afraid that if there was a soccer league then many of the rugby players would play soccer. I was so amazed that his school had the jurisdiction to ban soccer like that.
If there were no men’s teams in high school then I cant imagine there be much opportunity for women to play. In fact even here at UCT women’s football is still limited. One day at practice we only had 3 balls. At first I was so baffled that a program would have such little equipment but then I remembered that women’s football is not a popular activity. It probably took a lot for them to even get these three balls and the bibs.

After the first team was created I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked playing with this group of girls. Their level of play is slower than I am used to, but it is still good enough that I enjoy it. The girls on the team of super nice and I believe that I can get along with anyone who plays soccer because it is an automatic bonder. Although this season has just stared I look forward to the new adventures this experience will bring.

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